Price: $375
Crown: ebony, pernambuco
Twist: snakewood
Base: ebony, pernambuco
The twist: single barley
Number of pieces: 7
13.5 in x 4.25 in, 34.3 cm x 10.8 cm
Notes: One of my earlier and smaller candlesticks with the great snakewood in the twist. Nothing in the wood world looks anything like snakewood. Small amounts are harvested in a controlled manner mainly from the South American country of Suriname. The tree is quite small and the wood is exceedingly hard and heavy and full of defects and cracks. It is very difficult to find a large enough piece to make a candlestick twist, and the price is usually $80-100 for a 1.5 x 1.5 x 12 in turning square. Liberal amounts of thin cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) must be applied to the various tiny cracks during the woodworking process.
Important to know:
Because pernambuco is listed CITES Appendix II, this candlestick cannot be shipped outside the United States.
Price: $375