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Price: $600


Crown: maple burl, bloodwood, African blackwood, spalted rose myrtle burl, maple, black veneer


Twist: spalted rose myrtle burl


Base: spalted rose myrtle burl, black veneer


The twist: double rope


Number of pieces: 30


19.75 in x 7 in, 50.2 cm x 17.8 cm



This candlestick uses the unusual Australian wood rose myrtle burl. There is also considerable spalting in this piece. Spalting ocurrs when moist dead wood is attacked by fungus and bacteria that break down the wood and, in the process, change its color and texture. The back lines are the regions of the advancing fungal growth. Spalted wood may be beautiful but tends to be fragile and often requires repeated application (soaking, really) of thin cyanoacrylate glue.


Price: $600

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